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Places of Interest in Bhutan

The places of tourist interest in Bhutan are many. Most of them are within the reach of Tourist yet due to the rugged terrain and distances one has to travel a lot. For some of the longer holiday trip in Bhutan places like Trongsa, Haa are far flung. Paro, Thimpu, Wangdue Phodrang, Trongsa, Haa, Bumathang, Punakha, Lhuentse, Mongar, Trashigang are some of the most sought after destinations. Kytchu - Lakhang, Phajoding, Vhunzom or Confluence, Chella / Sela Pass, Gasa, Taktsang (The Tiger's Nest) and Kyichu are some of the well known spot to visit and are nearby the main destinations. Adventure, Cultural, Nature, Spiritual and Wellness, Trekking, Tshechu and Festival tour are also conducted by us.                                                                                                                                        



Thimphu is the capital and largest city of Bhutan, known for its unique blend of tradition and modernity. Here are some key attractions in Thimphu: 1. Tashichho Dzong 2. National Memorial Chorten 3. Buddha Dordenma 4. Changangkha Lhakhang 5. Folk Heritage Museum 6. Thimphu Weekend Market 7.Motithang Takin Preserve 8. Hiking and Nature Trails 9. Royal Textile Academy etc. It is situated at an altitude of 7710 feet in the fertile valley of the Wang Chu River. This city is a blend of the old and the new. The law states that the building should have traditional style of construction including the motifs and forms of Bhutan's traditional architecture give Thimpu a delightful structural harmony. 




Bumthang is a region in central Bhutan, and it is often referred to as the "cultural heartland" of the country. The district of Bumthang comprises four main valleys: Chokhor, Choekhor, Tang, and Ura. Bumthang hosts various annual festivals, or "tsechus," where locals and visitors come together to witness traditional mask dances, religious rituals, and cultural performances. Tang Valley is another picturesque valley in Bumthang, offering opportunities for scenic hikes and visits to monasteries such as Tang Rimochen Lhakhang.This beautiful region has four separate valleys known as Ura, Chumey, Tang and Choekhor. Together they are known as Bumathang valley. Incidentally the whole district is known as Bumthang valley. The scenic beauty is spectacular and the destination is a hotspot for tourist.


Paro is a historic town in the Paro Valley of Bhutan, and it is home to the only international airport in the country. The town is surrounded by lush green landscapes, traditional Bhutanese architecture, and significant cultural sites. Paro is ideally located to house the only international airport of Bhutan. Here are some key attractions and activities in Paro: 1. Paro Taktsang 2. Rinpung Dzong 3. National Museum of Bhutan 4. Drukgyel Dzong 5. Kyichu Lhakhang 6. Paro Town 7. Farmhouse Visits 8. Hiking and Nature Trails 9. Archery 10. Festivals etc. Paro is not only a gateway for many travelers arriving in Bhutan but also a destination rich in cultural, historical, and natural attractions. Paro is a nice valley with a congenial climate, people and beauty. Bhutan has three entry points, Paro is one of them and it is only by air.




Punakha, it is indeed a significant district in Bhutan known for its historical and cultural importance. The Punakha Valley itself is known for its picturesque landscapes, terraced fields, and traditional Bhutanese villages. It provides a peaceful setting for exploration. Punakha offers opportunities for nature enthusiasts to engage in outdoor activities such as hiking, bird-watching, and exploring the beautiful surroundings.If your visit coincides with the Punakha Tshechu, you can witness vibrant mask dances, religious ceremonies, and cultural celebrations.Punakha is a popular destination in Bhutan, known for its cultural heritage, stunning scenery, and religious sites. 


Phuentsholing is a border town in southwestern Bhutan, situated on the border with the Indian state of West Bengal. It serves as the primary entry point for travelers arriving by road from India. While Phuentsholing is not as known for its cultural landmarks as some other Bhutanese towns, it has its own unique charm. For a panoramic view of Phuentsholing and the plains of West Bengal, you can visit a viewpoint near the Bhutan Gate.Phuentsholling is the entry point of Bhutan from the state of West Bengal. This is another commercial hub other than Thimpu. Phuentsholing is often a transit point for travelers entering or exiting Bhutan, but it has its own attractions and provides a glimpse into the unique blend of Bhutanese and Indian cultures in the border region.


Samdrup Jongkhar 
"Samdrup Jongkhar," it is a town in the southeastern part of Bhutan and serves as one of the main entry points into the country from the Indian state of Assam. Samdrup Jongkhar is an important border town and a hub for trade and commerce between Bhutan and India. Samdrup Jongkhar is a key border crossing point between Bhutan and India. It is the gateway for travelers entering or leaving Bhutan via the Indian state of Assam. Explore the local markets in Samdrup Jongkhar, where you can experience the cultural and commercial interactions between Bhutanese and Indian communities.


Haa is a picturesque valley and dzongkhag (district) in the western part of Bhutan. It is known for its stunning landscapes, traditional Bhutanese architecture, and rich cultural heritage. The Haa Valley itself is a scenic destination surrounded by mountains and dotted with traditional Bhutanese villages. The valley remains relatively untouched by modern development, offering visitors a glimpse into traditional rural life. Haa Dzong is a fortress strategically located at the entrance to the Haa Valley. While it is not open to the public, its exterior and surroundings provide a glimpse of traditional Bhutanese architecture.If your visit coincides with local festivals, you can witness traditional Bhutanese mask dances, religious rituals, and cultural celebrations.


Wangdue Phodrang
This is one of the new tourist destinations. Stretched along the hilltop above the confluence of the Punakha Chu and Tang Chu rivers with the imposing Wangdue Phodrang Dzong is the most visible feature. Wangdue Phodrang is bordered by Dagana and Tsirang dzongkhag to the south. It is bordered by Tongsa dzongkhag to the east and Thimpu and Punakha dzongkhag to the west. The Gasa dzongkhag and a small section of border with Tibet to the north complete the location of Wangdue Phodrang. Wangdue Phodrang is like an extended village with a few shops. Phobji monastery is worth visiting. This place has scenic beauty and even a day's excursion is worth it. This district is known for its fine bamboo work, stone carvings, etc. From Wangdi Phodrong to Tongsa is the Gangtey Gompa the biggest Nyingmapa monastery in Bhutan.


Trongsa is the newly developed tourist spot and is becoming quite popular. This town is situated nearly 129 kilometers and is four and half hours' drive east of Wangdi Phodrang and crosses the 3300 meters Pele La pass. The Tongsa Dzong, the ancestral home of Bhutan's Royal Family has over 23 temples. The watchtower, Ta Dzong, It is situated in central Bhutan. The specialty or identity of central Bhutan is the largest and the most magnificent of all the Dzong are situated in this region. This small settlement of Trongsa is bordered by Wangdue Phodrang dzongkhag to the west, Bumathang dzongkhag to the east; to the south it borders Tsirang, Sarpang and Zhemgang dzongkhag.


This small town of Bhutan is situated nearly 198 kilometers a drive of seven hours' by road to southeast of Bumathang. The road to Mongar crosses Thumshing La nearly 3800 meters. Thumshing La is the highest pass in Bhutan. The Mongar Dzong is relatively new compared to the other Dzong of the Kingdom. Lhuntshi another place of interest is approximately 76 kilometers and three hours drive north of Mongar. The scenic beauty of the place is stunning. The landscape here is spectacular with steep cliffs, gorges and dense coniferous forests. This is one of the districts of Bhutan known for its weavers. They produce fine quality of fabrics. The 90 kilometers excursion or drive from Mongar to Tashigang, the easternmost district takes nearly four hours. Approximately 20 kilometers before Tashigang is the Dametsi Monastery. It is one of the most important monasteries of eastern Bhutan.


Rinpong Dzong

Located in Paro Town of Western Bhutan, it is also the seat for Bhutan Supreme Court. Rinpung Dzong is the place you need to be. The name of this dzong translates to ‘Fortress on a Heap of Jewel’. The Dzong houses 14 shrines and chapels which make it occupy a spot among the most prominent religious places in Bhutan.Rinpung Dzong  offers breathtaking views of the hills. A bridge named Nyamai Zam spanning over Paro Chhu River is also a major attraction and is a great spot for photography enthusiasts.lt is the famous tourist attractions of Paro, Bhutan. Best time to March to May and September to November.




Nearing the foothills of Choekhor Valley lays Jakar, locally known as Chamkhar. This region is mainly known for its trading centre and the famous attraction in this place is the Jakar Dzong.  Peacefully sited above the town in the Chamkhar Valley of Bumthang, this popular dzong is most probably the largest all over Bhutan.  Jakar most likely may take several days for a complete tour of the surrounding valleys. The domestic airport in Jakar is Bathpalathang Airport which is located on the east bank of the Chamkhar Chhu.



This ever enchanting land is where the beautiful black-necked cranes are found during winters. Not just that, as picturesque and quiet this place may be Phobjikha witnesses thrilling festivals as well.Phobjikha is an enormous U-shaped glacial valley bordering the Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park. Apart from the wildlife in Bhutan, other attractions in Phobjikha are Gangte Goemba, Nyelung Dechenling, Khewang Lhakhang, Kumbu Lhakhang, Damchen Lhakhang, White Chorten and Wangmo Hand-Woven Carpet Factory. Phobjikha Valley is a treat to every visitors’ eyes! A glacial valley, this is also the place where one can find the rare black-necked cranes in abundance.  One can always expect a surreal and serene experience in this valley.

Mount Chomolhari

Chomolhari or Jomolhari Mountain is the second highest peak in the country is also known as "Kanchenjunga Bridge". Jomolhari or Chomolhari  is a mountain in the Himalayas, straddling  of Bhutan. The north face rises over 2,700 metres above the barren plains. Chomolhari is an wilderness trek which offers a variety of trekking, from the blue pine forests, and breath-taking, mountain view Chomolhari trek is an adventure for nature lovers. There are several other sacred sites near Jomolhari Temple, including meditation caves of Milarepa and Gyalwa Lorepa. Chomolhari Trek is one of the most popular high altitude treks of Bhutan



Jigme Darji National Park

The National Park is located in the north west part of the Country and spreads over four districts. It has an area of 4374.06 sq.km.and it is considered one of the larges and oldest forest of Bhutan country and it is one of the most favourite tourists  destinations in Asia for wildlife. This park is named after the Late King jigme darji,was the first king of Bhutan to open the Bhutan Country to The World. It is a remarkable place where the Royal Bengal Tiger and the exclusive snow leopard share the same habitat. The Amazing natural feat doesn't end here. The park is also showcases a breathtaking view of the famous Jamolhari.



Dochula Pass

Dochula Pass is a beautiful and highest mountain pass in the snow coverd Himalayas within Bhutan. The Pass with 108  memorial stupas known as “Druk Wangyal Chortens.The Dochula Pass is a historical landmark built to honour the bravery,spirituality and sacrifices of the fourth King. Dochula pass is not just a place of historical and religious importance, it is also a popular tourist attraction that any tourist would want to witness on their journey through Bhutan. The best time to visit Dochula Pass, is from September to February for picturesque  views of the snow-laden Himalayas. 


Chele La Pass:

Chele La Pass is one of the highest road points in Bhutan and offers breathtaking views of the mountains. It is situated at an elevation of 3,988 meters/13,084 feet between the Paro and Haa valleys. The drive to Chela La Pass from Paro is as charming as the Mountain Pass itself. Your first few days of the Bhutan Tour will be steeped in culture and history. It will be good to fuse nature on your trip; take a break indulge your visual senses with some natural beauty and give yourself some time to relax and soak in the atmosphere. The Chele La pass is at a cool crisp mountain pass and your route takes you through a spectacularly lovely forest of pine, oak and rhododendrons that ablaze with blood red and pink blooms in April and May.Once you cross the tree line, you are likely to come up with yaks grazing in the alpine meadows. 










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